“You have a lot of regulations, but we have the same ones in Switzerland,” said Philipp Wiederkehr, a founder of Avant Gardner and Cityfox Experience, which began in Zurich.
In April, after intensive lobbying efforts, the New York State Liquor Authority granted Avant Gardner a liquor license despite a unanimous vote of opposition from the local community board, which chafed at plans for serving alcohol outdoors after 1 a.m. Instead, it had to respond to city authorities, who accused the establishment of selling liquor without a permit, lacking evacuation plans and having conditions that were, according to a vacate order, “imminently perilous to human life.” Introduced in 2015 as a temporary party a few blocks away, Brooklyn Mirage was supposed to open permanently in May 2016. He pointed to a neon sign that read: “If Not Us, Who? If Not Now, When?” “After some of the things that happened last year, I found it quite inspirational,” he said. Singh strolled the labyrinthine premises, past droning saws, extension cords and garbage-scented wafts emanating from a nearby junkyard.

Just before Brooklyn Mirage’s opening, Mr. “I want to do ‘Big Lebowski’ and make a Facebook invite for thousands of people,” he said. Along with raves, he said, the space could host corporate bookings, fashion shows, weddings and film screenings. “People think we’re trying to open a nightclub, but that’s not economically viable,” said Simar Singh, the head of strategy, marketing and development for Cityfox Experience, the party promotion company behind Avant Gardner. Another area will become a 5,000-square-foot club. By fall, a warehouse (now filled with sacks of cement mix and construction equipment) will be transformed into an event space. It is the outdoor component of Avant Gardner, an 80,000-square-foot development at 140 Stewart Avenue in an industrial corridor of the East Williamsburg neighborhood, a few grubby blocks from Queens. “What else do you want? A place where you can parachute?”Īfter a year of false starts and legal imbroglios, the contentious nightclub Brooklyn Mirage opened last Saturday as a huge, architecturally ambitious destination for deep house and techno parties. A native of Tbilisi, Georgia, he wore a woven duckbill hat and a heart-shape medallion. “I love this scene,” said Tengiz Iliaev, 34, who was standing on the highest turret.

A quick westward glance revealed the tip of the Empire State Building glowing like a cigarette cherry. This was not Las Vegas, Miami or Zrce beach in Croatia.